About the Event

ObserveNow Media is proud to announce the 2nd Digital Bharat Cybersecurity Summit & Awards with the theme of "Revolutionizing Cybersecurity Through AI-Powered Capabilities" on 14th June 2024, Hotel Eros, Nehru Place, New Delhi.

In an era marked by rapid technological advancement, the significance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. As India emerges as a digital powerhouse, the need to fortify its cyber defenses has become paramount. In this dynamic landscape, Generation AI (Gen AI) is playing a pivotal role in reshaping cybersecurity strategies, leveraging advanced technologies to thwart evolving threats. Let's delve into how Gen AI is revolutionizing the security landscape in India.

This conference aims to bring together experts, policymakers, industry leaders, and stakeholders from across the cybersecurity spectrum to discuss the most pressing issues facing our digital infrastructure and to collaborate on innovative solutions to safeguard our nation's cyber land scape India.


Key Highlights










Powered By Partner

Preferred Encryption Partner

Academic Partner

Associate Partner

Knowledge Partner

CSR Partner

Keynote Speaker

Lt. Gen. Dr Rajesh Pant

Former Cybersecurity Coordinator
Prime Minister's Office
GOI & Chairman CSAI


Who Should Attend

Chief Information Security Officers
Chief Data Protection Officers
Cyber Security Leaders

Discussion Points

How AI-Driven Threat Intelligence Empower Cybersecurity Applications for Enhanced Threat Detection and Response

Next-Gen AI Approaches for National Security and Citizen Data Protection

Implementing Gen AI Solutions for Proactive Threat Mitigation and Operational Resilience

Leveraging Gen AI for Real-time Network Defense and Customer Information Security

Past Partners

Higher Education Awards

Individual Leadership Awards

Edtech Awards


The 6th ObserveNow Education Leaders Conclave & Awards is a dedicated effort to acknowledge and encourage education innovation for an enhanced future. We take immense pleasure in awarding those individuals and organisations who are breaking new ground in education, providing improved services and outcomes through their inventive approaches. This event is more than just a ceremony; it's a chance for innovators in the education field to network, collaborate, and exchange ideas. We invite you to join us in commemorating the most inventive and influential solutions in today's education landscape.

Nominate Now>>


Hotel Eros, Nehru Place, New Delhi,
Delhi 110019